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Mezza Luna Restaurant Banquet/Function General Policy Information

Thank you for choosing the Mezza Luna to accommodate all of your banquet needs.

Reservations are not considered final until a deposit is received. A non-refundable deposit of $200.00 is required to secure the date and time for use of the room. Check, cash, or credit cards are all acceptable forms of payment. This deposit will be deducted from your final bill on the day of the event. Full payment is due at the completion of your event. Cancellation of an event within 90 days of the date held will forfeit your full deposit.

A final guaranteed guest count and your menu selections are required 14 days prior to the event. (Special arrangements will be made for funeral collations) You will be charged for the number of people booked due to food preparation requirements. However, if you have a larger turnout than expected you will be charged the per person price that corresponds with your menu selection for your additional guests. Mezza Luna Restaurant reserves the right to deny any banquet menu due to a headcount that drops below banquet menu requirements. We reserve the right to add a fee for weddings and/or additional setup (up to $1000.00).

All menu prices are subject to a 6.25% Massachusetts meals tax, a .75% local tax, 20% suggested gratuity, and a 5% taxable administrative fee. The Administrative fee does not represent a tip or service charge paid directly to employees but is a charge to cover operational costs. All substitutions are subject to a price increase. Prices can only be held until the end of the calendar year.

You may provide your own decorations or floral arrangements. All decorations must comply with local fire laws. All decorations are to be approved by the function coordinator. We do not allow tape, or tacks on the wall, glitter, confetti, open flamed candles, and entertainment must be pre-approved by the function coordinator. All events are served with china, silver, and glassware. White linens and burgundy napkins are provided, along with small flower bud vases if you choose to use them.

All food must be provided by The Mezza Luna Restaurant and consumed on-premise. Buffet food cannot be taken home after it has been on the buffet line. This is a restriction per The Board of Health. It is in compliance with the Food Safety Temperature Control Act. This allows us to protect the health and wellbeing of our guests. Occasion Cakes are allowed.

Meals for children under the age of 12 years old would be half price if you have chosen a buffet. There is a separate children’s menu available upon request. Please include children in your final guarantee one week prior to the event. Vegetarian and gluten-free options are always available and should be included in your final guarantee. Please let us know if anyone in your party has an allergy.

The Mezza Luna Restaurant reserves the right to inspect and control all private functions. There is a fee of $1000.00 for any person pulling a false fire alarm. Liability for damage to the premises will be charged accordingly. The Mezza Luna cannot assume responsibility for the loss of, or damage to, personal property and/or equipment brought onto the premises.

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